
Mostrando postagens com marcador Lars Peter Hansen. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Lars Peter Hansen. Mostrar todas as postagens

20 janeiro 2015

Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen e Robert Shiller


The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for 2013 was awarded to Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller for their contributions to the empirical study of asset pricing. Some observers have found it hard to understand the common elements of the laureates' research, preferring to highlight areas of disagreement among them. This paper argues that empirical asset pricing is a coherent enterprise, which owes much to the laureates' seminal contributions, and that important themes in the literature can best be understood by considering the laureates in pairs. Specifically, after summarizing modern asset pricing theory using the stochastic discount factor as an organizing framework, the paper discusses the joint hypothesis problem in tests of market efficiency, which is as much an opportunity as a problem (Fama and Hansen); patterns of short- and long-term predictability in asset returns (Fama and Shiller); and models of deviations from rational expectations (Hansen and Shiller). The paper concludes by reviewing ways in which the laureates have already influenced the practice of finance, and may influence future innovations.

Fonte: John Campbell -Empirical Asset Pricing: Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller

03 abril 2014

O que é risco sistêmico?

O prémio Nobel da Economia de 2013 Lars Peter Hansen diz que o conhecimento sobre o conceito de "risco sistémico" é "fundamentalmente vago". Por isso defende que desenhar políticas com base nesse conceito "torna esse desenho difícil de fazer em termos de transparência" e de comunicação.

Os economistas ainda têm pouco conhecimento sobre o conceito de “risco sistémico”. Quem o diz é o prémio Nobel da Economia Lars Peter Hansen. O professor da Universidade de Chicago foi um dos oradores do V Congresso da Distribuição Moderna.
“O que é risco sistémico? Essa é uma boa questão. Os economistas não têm boas respostas sobre o que é exactamente isso”, afirmou o economista no seu discurso.

Hansen defende que este conceito surgiu com a crise financeira e foi “muito usado nas discussões de políticaeconómica” mas em termos de modelos formais “há conhecimento limitado sobre o que é”.

O conceito é “fundamentalmente vago”, garante, por isso usá-lo como base para desenhar políticas “torna esse desenho difícil de fazer em termos de transparência” e de comunicação.

24 janeiro 2014

Entrevista com Lars Peter Hansen

Lars Peter Hansen, an economist at the University of Chicago, is one of three winners of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, along with Eugene F. Fama, a fellow professor at the University of Chicago, and Robert J. Shiller, a professor at Yale.
The Nobel committee cited all of them for contributing to the study of asset prices. But each person’s work is very different.
Professor Fama is known as the father of the “efficient-markets hypothesis,” while Professor Shiller, a frequent contributor to the Economic View column in Sunday Business, is a founder of the field of behavioral finance and is a critic of aspects of Professor Fama’s theory. I interviewed both of them last month, and Professor Shiller has also expressed his views in a column.
Professor Hansen, on the other hand, has received less attention from the news media, and he has stayed clear of the debate over efficient markets and irrational behavior. He has been recognized for creating advanced techniques in econometrics, enabling researchers in many fields of social science to create better mathematical models.
Lars Peter Hansen with his Labradoodle at a coffee shop in Chicago last month after learning he had won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science.

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