
19 novembro 2019

Mattel e falhas contábeis

A entidade que regula o trabalho dos auditores dos EUA, o PCAOB, está investigando o que ocorreu na Mattel e sua auditoria. A própria empresa disse que as demonstrações contábeis de 2017 possuem distorções materiais e que encontrou problemas nos controles internos da empresa. A auditoria foi feita pela PwC, que também está sendo verificada, já que o auditor parece ter quebrado a norma de independência, recomendando um executivo para um cargo.

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s scrutiny comes after Mattel said last week that some financial statements from 2017 “should no longer be relied upon due to material misstatements.” The El Segundo, California-based company, which makes Barbie dolls and Matchbox cars, also said on Oct. 29 that it found “material weaknesses” in its internal controls for financial reporting.

And the PCAOB is probably looking into findings of an internal Mattel investigation that revealed Joshua Abrahams, the PwC partner who led the Mattel audit team, had violated independence rules by recommending candidates for Mattel’s senior finance positions, according to the WSJ. He has been placed on administrative leave and isn’t expected to work for PwC much longer.

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