
13 agosto 2012

Everything is a Remix

Kirby Ferguson acredita que os elementos básicos de um processo criativo estão na seguinte equação: Copy + Transform + Recombine =Remix. De Bob Dylan à Steve Jobs, os nossos mais célebres inventores : emprestam, roubam e transformam. Ou seja, tudo é remix e, portanto, essa é a melhor maneira de tratar a criatividade. Eis algumas frases da palestra:

“We are not self-made. We are dependent on one another. Admitting this to ourselves isn't an embrace of mediocrity and derivativeness, it's a liberation from our misconceptions.”

“You take existing songs, you chop them up, you transform the pieces, you combine them back together again. … These aren't just the components of remixing, I think these are the basic elements of all creativity.”

“Creative works may indeed be kind of like property, but it's property that we're all building on.”

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