
10 março 2015

Curso de Contabilidade Básica: Taxa de Depreciação

A estimativa da depreciação de um imobilizado deveria ser objeto de um estudo técnico, onde para cada ativo a empresa teria um valor depreciado. Entretanto, o custo de produzir esta informação ultrapassa em muito o benefício de uma informação mais correta. Por este motivo geralmente a empresa estabelece que para determinado tipo de ativo, um computador, por exemplo, a depreciação seria uma taxa anual fixa.

No passado o fisco determinava o valor máximo de depreciação que poderia ser usado nas demonstrações contábeis para fins fiscais. O que era “valor máximo” tornou-se “o valor” e “fins fiscais”, “societário”. Com a adoção das normas internacionais de contabilidade esperava-se que as empresas tivessem liberdade de usar uma taxa mais conveniente, que expressasse melhor a realidade. Mas será que isto ocorreu?

Somente uma investigação mais profunda, numa grande quantidade de balanços, que será possível nós respondermos a esta questão. Entretanto, tudo leva a crer que as velhas taxas fiscais continuam sendo usadas pelas empresas.

Vamos usar o caso a Alpargatas. Esta empresa está associada às marcas Havaianas, Topper, Rainha, Mizuno, entre outras. Ou seja, é uma grande empresa. Usando suas demonstrações contábeis, encontramos as taxas usadas pela empresa:
Para Edifícios e Construções e Móveis e Utensílios a empresa manteve a taxa adotada pelo fisco no passado. Os itens do grupo “Máquinas e Equipamentos” são depreciados a 8% ao ano, o que levaria a uma estimativa de vida útil de 12,5 anos. Veículos sofrem uma depreciação anual de 15%, o que levaria a quase sete anos de vida útil.

Nova auditoria

A seguir trecho de uma entrevista com Ana María Martínez-Pina do Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (ICAC) da Espanha:

(...) P. ¿Quizá el gran problema es que durante años los auditores han hecho de asesores?

R. Uno de los temas fundamentales que refuerza esta ley es que el auditor tiene que tener una actitud escéptica ante la empresa. El proyecto normativo incorpora por primera vez el concepto de escepticismo profesional. Como el auditor no estaba antes obligado a rotar y llevaba muchos años con la firma auditada generaba una excesiva familiaridad. Ahora la rotación es obligatoria. El auditor será más independiente de la auditada y podrá hacer su trabajo con mayor rigor.

P. ¿Se complica el trabajo del auditor?

R. No. Porque la normativa europea se ha acercado un poco a la española. Por ejemplo, la legislación comunitaria no tenía servicios prohibidos. La ley recogía un principio general de independencia que decía que el auditor tenía que velar por ella. En nuestro marco jurídico se tradujo desde 1988 en la incorporación de una serie de causas de incompatibilidad. La nueva legislación será más estricta, pero no supone un gran cambio para el auditor porque es muy parecida a la europea.

R. Pero asegura el informe del Consejo de Estado que el concepto de “servicios prohibidos” era “sumamente farragoso”.

R. El Consejo decía que todos los artículos de independencia y competencia eran farragosos. Es verdad que regular la independencia es muy complicado y antes de que se aprobara el proyecto de ley modificamos esos epígrafes para que no lo fueran. No cambiamos su contenido sino que simplificamos la lectura con el fin de que al auditor le resultara más fácil cumplir con esos preceptos.

P. ¿Cuáles son las líneas rojas de los servicios prohibidos?

R. Un auditor externo no puede encargarse de la auditoría interna; ni tampoco valorar el 90% del activo de la sociedad, porque entonces, cuando revisa esa valoración, se está revisando a sí mismo. También tiene prohibido ser su administrador. En el caso de los auditores de las Entidades de Interés Público (EIP), que incluye a las sociedades cotizadas, entidades de crédito y aseguradoras, no pueden prestar ningún servicio relacionado con las nóminas, los recursos humanos ni asesorar sobre la estrategia de inversión, financiación o de negocio de la firma.

P. El Proyecto de Ley fija una rotación máxima de 10 años, que se puede extender a cuatro más cuando la auditoría es conjunta. ¿Qué ventajas tiene rotar?

R. Evita la excesiva familiaridad entre el auditor y la auditada cuando tienes un contrato de muy larga duración. Si llevas con una entidad auditada 40 años a lo mejor tu nivel de escepticismo profesional baja y el auditor se relaja y te fijas más en años anteriores. La rotación refuerza el escepticismo profesional.

P. Si algo define al proyecto es la transparencia. ¿Cómo se concreta en la nueva normativa?

R. El informe de auditoría ahora es más extenso y los auditores de EIP, además de ese trabajo, están obligados a emitir otro a la Comisión de Auditoría de la entidad que auditan junto a un reporte de transparencia sobre su actividad. Asimismo deben informar al Banco de España, la CNMV o la Dirección General de Seguros de cualquier irregularidad grave detectada en la firma auditada.

P. ¿El endurecimiento de las multas supondrá el cierre de auditoras pequeñas y medianas?

R. Las sanciones son proporcionales a los honorarios que factura el auditor.

09 março 2015

Rir é o melhor remédio

Fonte: Cinismo Ilustrado

10 mitos sobre economias de livre mercado

Free markets, capitalism and economics are often surrounded by misconceptions. Here are 10 myths about economics that either don’t stand up to further scrutiny or are just downright wrong, but which continue to dominate discussions surrounding the topic.

1. Greed is all economists care about, right?

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via imgur
Wrong. Supporters of free markets are often accused of believing that ‘greed is good’. Greed is not good, and economists do not believe that greed is necessary for capitalism to flourish. What economists do believe is that self-interest is a powerful motivator when it comes to financial transactions. No one denies the wide range of feelings that motivate us to act in certain ways, nor does anyone deny that people often make sacrifices for others and are altruistic. The beauty of free markets is that they work, regardless of whether people are greedy or selfless.

2. Oh, and economic growth

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via buzzfeed
“Addicted to growth”“GDP fetishism” and “the crack-cocaine of economic indicators”, are just some of the phrases used to convey society’s supposedly unhealthy fixation with Gross Domestic product (GDP). But no politician or economist has ever expressed support for the ‘growth at all costs’ mantra that is alleged to be central to ‘neo-liberalism’. Far from the be all and end all, GDP is an economic indicator just like employment and inflation. If governments aimed to maximise GDP alone, we would have a much smaller state, huge tax cuts, no planning system, no carbon-reduction targets, legalised drugs, no immigration controls whatsoever and extremely limited regulation.

3. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via Giphy
The concern that the rich are getting richer while the poor become poorer is a myth that has been around for many years but is false - or at least only half-true. The rich certainly get richer, but so do the poor. Over a century’s worth of growth has led to a steady rise in wages across the board and government figures show that between 1977 and 2012, the incomes of the poorest fifth of Britons rose by 93 per cent(adjusted for inflation). Much of this is made up of benefits, but wages have also risen significantly. Since 1986, the hourly wages of the poorest fifth of workers has risen by 49 per cent (adjusted for inflation).

4. We are working longer and longer hours

We are working longer and longer hours / Via OECD stats
In 1900, British workers spent roughly 3,000 hours a year on the job. Compare this to the present day, when individuals in most of the world’s developed societies each work fewer than 1,800 hours a year. It is a common misconception that we are all working longer, but average working hours for British employees continues to fall. According to OECD figures, over half UK employees work less than 40 hours a week and fewer than 12% work more than 50 hours a week. Some people on high incomes have seen their working week increase but this is not the norm.

5. Inequality is on the rise…

Inequality is on the rise...
ONS (2014a) The effects of taxes and benefits on household income, 2012/13. 26 June.
From Russell Brand to Thomas Piketty, commentators love to remind us that the UK suffers from spiralling inequality, which, if we’re not careful, will revert us back to Victorian extremes. Claims such as these are misleading at best. By any conventional measure, income inequality peaked in Britain in 1990 and has been flat or falling ever since. It is currently lower than it has been for nearly 30 years.

6. …while social mobility is falling

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via Giphy
The majority of those born poor swiftly move up the income ladder and almost all become wealthier than their parents, contrary to the beliefs of the Polly Toynbees of this world. Far from grinding to a halt, social mobility in the UK is better than it has ever been before and, as a recent study from Oxford University concluded, ‘with relative just as with absolute rates, there is no evidence at all to support the idea of mobility in decline.’

7. We’ve got all we can from economic growth, so let’s focus on the simpler things in life.

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via Giphy
Sceptics of further economic growth should bear in mind the benefits to be had from ongoing prosperity. Not only does money allow us to pursue our goals and enjoy the fruits of our labour but it is also a consequence of human ingenuity and ambition. What’s more, the ever widening welfare state isn’t going to pay for itself. So perhaps we can afford a little more optimism.

8. Money doesn’t buy happiness after all

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via Giphy
Surely the failure of aggregate happiness to rise as everyone gets wealthier is proof that pursing growth is pointless? Not necessarily, no. A number of studies have shown not only that rich people are happier than poorer people, but that countries tend to become happier as they become richer. Of course, people’s aspirations rise as they and the people around them achieve better living standards, and this is a good thing. Most, though not all, happen to think that having a better income allows them to do what they want to do. So money isn’t an obstacle to a good life – it facilitates it!

9. Inequality is bad for your health, literally

10 Persistent Myths About Free Market Economics / Via Giphy
It is sometimes claimed that high rates of income inequality are associated with a number of negative social outcomes, including lower life expectancy. This claim was first made by the sociologist Richard Wilkinson in the early 1990s but subsequent research contradicted it. Wilkinson later co-authored a book - The Spirit Level - which popularised the theory while ignoring all the evidence to the contrary. The Spirit Level includes a graph which appears to show a negative correlation between inequality and life expectancy, but the graph uses old data and excludes a number of countries which don’t fit the pattern. If up-to-date data are used - or if the full complement of countries is shown - the correlation (funnily enough) disappears.

10. We’re heading back to the 1930s

We’re heading back to the 1930s
Picasa / Via
We are far richer today than we were in the 1930s and GDP is many times higher, so it is meaningless to compare government spending today with that in the 30s. Even if the government meets its target, it will still be spending eight times more than the government of 1935 (adjusted for inflation). And, as a proportion of GDP, the figure will only be slightly lower than it was in 2001 - hardly The Road to Wigan Pier. And with a growing economy, why shouldn’t spending as a proportion of GDP fall? Demonstrating fiscal responsibility is a far cry from condemning us all to a life of poverty and destitution.

Fonte: aqui

Finanças Pessoais: Qual dívida deve ser priorizada?

Quando uma pessoa está muito endividada esta é uma pergunta natural. O problema é que não temos uma resposta.

Sob a ótima da matemática financeira a resposta natural seria aquela dívida com maior taxa de juros. Por este lado, devemos tentar quitar as dívidas com cartão de crédito ou com o agiota que aproveita da situação precária das suas finanças. As dívidas com parentes que não cobram juros ou somente o rendimento da caderneta de poupança, assim como os empréstimos consignados, cuja taxa é menor, não devem ser a prioridade.

Entretanto esta resposta é enganosa, já que o custo de uma dívida pode não estar limitado à taxa de juros. Se tiver um empréstimo em atraso e este impedir de ter certas vantagens no futuro isto pode fazer com que o “custo” seja muito maior que a taxa de juros. Em alguns países é permitida a cobrança dos pagadores em atraso maneira constrangedora. Outra situação ocorre quando se atrasa a prestação da casa própria e isto impede que o imóvel seja registrado no cartório. De igual forma, continuar devendo a um familiar, que cobra o rendimento da caderneta de poupança, pode ter um custo superior aos juros em razão dos problemas que isto ocasiona em termos de comentários, mal-estar, etc.

Usando a análise de probabilidade do fluxo de caixa futuro a prioridade deve ser aquela dívida onde não existe possibilidade de renegociação. Os empresários sabem que periodicamente o governo lança programas vantajosos de refinanciamento das dívidas tributárias. Assim, o pagamento deste passivo pode esperar para um momento mais adequado.

Sob a ótica comportamental do endividado a resposta seria tentar pagar as pequenas dívidas. Isto teria um efeito motivacional para a pessoa, que reuniria mais forças para conseguir economizar o suficiente para quitar as dívidas maiores.

Infelizmente esta postagem não permite indicar uma resposta única e correta para este assunto. Na realidade esta não existe. Mas observe o leitor que citamos alguns fatores que podem ajudar na definição da prioridade.

08 março 2015

Rir é o melhor remédio

Assad e sua política

Educação: Meninas deixando os meninos pra trás

It is a problem that would have been unimaginable a few decades ago. Until the 1960s boys spent longer and went further in school than girls, and were more likely to graduate from university. Now, across the rich world and in a growing number of poor countries, the balance has tilted the other way. Policymakers who once fretted about girls’ lack of confidence in science now spend their time dangling copies of “Harry Potter” before surly boys. Sweden has commissioned research into its “boy crisis”. Australia has devised a reading programme called “Boys, Blokes, Books & Bytes”. In just a couple of generations, one gender gap has closed, only for another to open up.

The reversal is laid out in a report published on March 5th by the OECD, a Paris-based rich-country think-tank. Boys’ dominance just about endures in maths: at age 15 they are, on average, the equivalent of three months’ schooling ahead of girls. In science the results are fairly even. But in reading, where girls have been ahead for some time, a gulf has appeared. In all 64 countries and economies in the study, girls outperform boys. The average gap is equivalent to an extra year of schooling.

xx > xy?

The OECD deems literacy to be the most important skill that it assesses, since further learning depends on it. Sure enough, teenage boys are 50% more likely than girls to fail to achieve basic proficiency in any of maths, reading and science (see chart 1). Youngsters in this group, with nothing to build on or shine at, are prone to drop out of school altogether.
To see why boys and girls fare so differently in the classroom, first look at what they do outside it. The average 15-year-old girl devotes five-and-a-half hours a week to homework, an hour more than the average boy, who spends more time playing video games and trawling the internet. Three-quarters of girls read for pleasure, compared with little more than half of boys. Reading rates are falling everywhere as screens draw eyes from pages, but boys are giving up faster. The OECD found that, among boys who do as much homework as the average girl, the gender gap in reading fell by nearly a quarter.

Once in the classroom, boys long to be out of it. They are twice as likely as girls to report that school is a “waste of time”, and more often turn up late. Just as teachers used to struggle to persuade girls that science is not only for men, the OECD now urges parents and policymakers to steer boys away from a version of masculinity that ignores academic achievement. “There are different pressures on boys,” says Mr Yip. “Unfortunately there’s a tendency where they try to live up to certain expectations in terms of [bad] behaviour.”

Boys’ disdain for school might have been less irrational when there were plenty of jobs for uneducated men. But those days have long gone. It may be that a bit of swagger helps in maths, where confidence plays a part in boys’ lead (though it sometimes extends to delusion: 12% of boys told the OECD that they were familiar with the mathematical concept of “subjunctive scaling”, a red herring that fooled only 7% of girls). But their lack of self-discipline drives teachers crazy.

Perhaps because they can be so insufferable, teenage boys are often marked down. The OECD found that boys did much better in its anonymised tests than in teacher assessments. The gap with girls in reading was a third smaller, and the gap in maths—where boys were already ahead—opened up further. In another finding that suggests a lack of even-handedness among teachers, boys are more likely than girls to be forced to repeat a year, even when they are of equal ability.

What is behind this discrimination? One possibility is that teachers mark up students who are polite, eager and stay out of fights, all attributes that are more common among girls. In some countries, academic points can even be docked for bad behaviour. Another is that women, who make up eight out of ten primary-school teachers and nearly seven in ten lower-secondary teachers, favour their own sex, just as male bosses have been shown to favour male underlings. In a few places sexism is enshrined in law: Singapore still canes boys, while sparing girls the rod.

Some countries provide an environment in which boys can do better. In Latin America the gender gap in reading is relatively small, with boys in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru trailing girls less than they do elsewhere. Awkwardly, however, this nearly always comes with a wider gender gap in maths, in favour of boys. The reverse is true, too: Iceland, Norway and Sweden, which have got girls up to parity with boys in maths, struggle with uncomfortably wide gender gaps in reading. Since 2003, the last occasion when the OECD did a big study, boys in a few countries have caught up in reading and girls in several others have significantly narrowed the gap in maths. No country has managed both.
Onwards and upwards

Girls’ educational dominance persists after school. Until a few decades ago men were in a clear majority at university almost everywhere (see chart 2), particularly in advanced courses and in science and engineering. But as higher education has boomed worldwide, women’s enrolment has increased almost twice as fast as men’s. In the OECD women now make up 56% of students enrolled, up from 46% in 1985. By 2025 that may rise to 58%.

Even in the handful of OECD countries where women are in the minority on campus, their numbers are creeping up. Meanwhile several, including America, Britain and parts of Scandinavia, have 50% more women than men on campus. Numbers in many of America’s elite private colleges are more evenly balanced. It is widely believed that their opaque admissions criteria are relaxed for men.

The feminisation of higher education was so gradual that for a long time it passed unremarked. According to Stephan Vincent-Lancrin of the OECD, when in 2008 it published a report pointing out just how far it had gone, people “couldn’t believe it”.

Women who go to university are more likely than their male peers to graduate, and typically get better grades. But men and women tend to study different subjects, with many women choosing courses in education, health, arts and the humanities, whereas men take up computing, engineering and the exact sciences. In mathematics women are drawing level; in the life sciences, social sciences, business and law they have moved ahead.

Social change has done more to encourage women to enter higher education than any deliberate policy. The Pill and a decline in the average number of children, together with later marriage and childbearing, have made it easier for married women to join the workforce. As more women went out to work, discrimination became less sharp. Girls saw the point of study once they were expected to have careers. Rising divorce rates underlined the importance of being able to provide for yourself. These days girls nearly everywhere seem more ambitious than boys, both academically and in their careers. It is hard to believe that in 1900-50 about half of jobs in America were barred to married women.

So are women now on their way to becoming the dominant sex? Hanna Rosin’s book, “The End of Men and the Rise of Women”, published in 2012, argues that in America, at least, women are ahead not only educationally but increasingly also professionally and socially. Policymakers in many countries worry about the prospect of a growing underclass of ill-educated men. That should worry women, too: in the past they have typically married men in their own social group or above. If there are too few of those, many women will have to marry down or not at all.

Continua aqui

História da Contabilidade: Dois métodos de escrituração

Durante um longo período da nossa história era muito comum que aqueles que eram responsáveis pela contabilidade soubessem dois métodos de escrituração: partidas simples, também chamada de singela, e partidas dobradas. Na verdade alguns sabiam somente um método, geralmente partidas simples, ou os dois.

O Diário Mercantil de 1827 (1) anunciava o seguinte pedido:

Se houver alguma pessoa que tenha inteligencia da Escripturação Mercantil por Partidas singelas, e dobradas e de Arethimetica e queira dar lições a hum sugeito que deseja instruir-se nesta matéria; queira annunciar por este Diario para ser procurado. [Grafia da época]

Este anúncio é interessante pois também mostra que não existindo escolas onde se ensinavam a contabilidade, o aprendizado era realizado através de prático no assunto. Outra oferta, agora do Diário do Rio de Janeiro (2), confirma a existência destes dois métodos:

Hum individuo isento da Milicia pertende arrumar se de Caxeiro de escripta ou Guarda Livros, pois entende os dois methodos de escripturação de partidas dobradas, ou singela quem percisar ainda mesmo a partido annuciae pelo Diario para ser procurado.

Aqui gostaria de chamar a atenção para o fato de o profissional ter mais de uma denominação: caixeiro, guarda livros, amanuense, entre outras. Muito provavelmente existia, já nesta época, uma graduação entre eles (3).

Para fazer esta tarefa, existiam na época livros apropriados, conforme revela um anúncio do Diario do Rio de Janeiro (4):

Continua-se a vender na rua das Viollas caza n. 197 (...) livros em branco pautados para escripturação de Commercio

(1) Diário Mercantil, 21 de setembro de 1827, p. 3. Este diário era muito mais um pequeno classificados, geralmente com quatro páginas, do que um jornal de fato.
(2) Diário do Rio de Janeiro, 25 de abril de 1823, p. 3.
(3) Veja a seguinte postagem sobre o assunto.
(4) Diario do Rio de Janeiro, 13 de abril de 1824, p. 1.

07 março 2015

Rir é o melhor remédio


Consultores de Investimento: ninguém sabe de nada

WHENEVER one writes about the failure of active managers to beat the index, someone is bound to pop up online and argue that people don't pick fund managers at random. Select the right fund managers and all will be well. But how? Relying on past performance does not seem to work. Logic would also suggest that it cannot be easy to identify the best performers in advance; if it were, then why would anyone give money to the underperformers?

Many pension funds and endowments hire investment consultants to help them choose fund managers (one estimate is that 82% of US pension plans use such services, and consultants advise on $25 trillion of assets). The consultants employ highly-educated workforces, have decades of experience and charge hefty fees. But an award (the 2015 Commonfund prize) has just been granted to an academic paper that concludes
we find no evidence that these (the consultants') recommendations add value, suggesting that the search for winners, encouraged and guided by investment consultants, is fruitless

So why do the clients still use the consultants? One explanation is the "hand-holding principle"; choosing funds is tricky and clients feel cautious about doing it on their own. They also want someone to blame if things go wrong. Investment consultants act as "money doctors".
But the most likely reason is that clients are unaware of the conclusions of the research and because of the lack of data mentioned earlier. As the authors write
It is unlikely that plan sponsors can reliably judge whether investment consultants add value or not. While fund managers testify to the rigour with which investment consultants scrutinise their performance, investment consultants themselves are shy of disclosing the sort of information which would allow plan sponsors, or any outsider, to measure their own perfomance.
In short, while one can be willing to accept that there are smart fund managers who can outperform the market, the trick is identifying such managers in advance. This process seems as difficult as identifying hit films in advance; in that business, as William Goldman wrote once "Nobody knows anything". 

Fonte: aqui