
11 julho 2007

Petrobrás no noticiário

Duas notícias da Petrobrás:

1. Operação águas profundas, da Polícia Federal, descobre esquema de fraude de licitação e lavagem de dinheiro usando empresas fantasmas, inclusive usando ONGs (O Globo, 11/07/07, OPERAÇÃO ÁGUAS PROFUNDAS: Uma das empresas captava recursos do governo). A Empresa afirmou que afastou os funcionários citados e anunciou sindicância.

2. Agora o Equador - Segundo o Financial Times (Ecuador threatens to expel Petrobras.
por HAL WEITZMAN, 10/07/2007), o Equador ameaçou expulsar a Petrobrás, depois de ter feito o mesmo com a Occidental.

Mr Garaicoa added that "a simple analysis from a legal point of view" would suggest that Petrobras had been operating in the country illegally. His comments came after an official report recommended revoking Petrobras's right to operate in Ecuador.

Jorge Alban, the country's acting energy minister, has yet to decide on a course of action, but the report and the attorney-general's statement has made the Brazilian state company's possible expulsion more likely.

Mr Alban has refused to rule out the possibility of cancelling Petrobras's contracts. The company - which extracts about 36,000 barrels a day - denies any wrongdoing. " Petrobras reaffirms it has complied with all provisions in all legal, contractual and administrative acts in that country," it said.

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