
31 outubro 2008

Defesa do MTM

Já o IBD chama a atitude da SEC com respeito ao mark-to-market (MTM) de entrar numa zona cinzenta. Para o IBD é justamente neste momento que o mercado precisa saber da informação usando o MTM. Veja o trecho:

Editorials & Opinion
Mark-To-Model, Into The Twilight Zone

24/10/2008 - Investor's Business Daily

(...) MTM rests on two principles: the social value of market prices and the role of accounting information. First, an asset is only worth its price in the marketplace, which is the only objective measure of value. Second, accounting statements must provide accurate and meaningful information. Investors have a right to accurate and actionable information on the value of their corporate assets.

The transparency of MTM is most critical when a firm is likely to have to sell assets or when it nears bankruptcy. This is precisely the situation in which some firms find themselves. But never mind. Major bank trade groups and some banks argue that these firms should mark asset values to models or to other arbitrary measures.

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