
11 abril 2008

Bernanke afirma que a contabilidade pode ter ajudado na crise

Segundo notícia da Reuters (Bernanke: mark-to-market accounting challenging, 10/4/2008, Reporting by Joanne Morrison, Writing by David Lawder, Editing by Chizu Nomiyama) o presidente do banco central norte-americano, Ben Bernanke (foto), disse que a contabilidade baseada no valor de mercado pode ter ajudado a desestabilizar o mercado para ativos ilíquidos. Entretanto, Bernanke ressaltou que os reguladores devem agir com cautela sobre a mudança no sistema.

"It's also true in the current context, that mark-to-market accounting has been sometimes destabilizing in that sales of assets into very illiquid markets had led to reductions in prices, which have caused writedowns which have sometimes caused firesales, and you get into an adverse dynamic which has caused problems in some of our markets," Bernanke said (...)

On balance, he said mark-to-market accounting has been a positive influence for investors, but valuations should be determined during normally functioning, stable markets, not times when assets are illiquid.

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